Church of Scientology responds to Internet attacks

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After several days of Internet attacks on YouTube by a group calling itself Anonymous, the Church of Scientology has responded with a comment about the posting of one of its videos. A response on Friday evening from the Church of Scientology did not address CNET's specific request for comment on the denial-of-service attacks themselves. Instead, Karin Pouw, public affairs director for the Church of Scientology, focused on the leak of a Tom Cruise video on YouTube earlier in the week. The response reads, in full:

As the Church previously announced, the pirated and edited excerpts of Mr. Cruise were contained in an official Church event in 2004, an event attended by 5,000 Scientologists and their guests and further available for viewing in any Church of Scientology world over. Having presented these selective and out-of-context excerpts with the intent of creating both controversy and ridicule, nevertheless resulted in people searching for and visiting Church of Scientology Web sites as evidenced by "most searched for" lists of various search engines. Those wishing to find out the Church of Scientology's views and to gain context of the video have the right to search official Church Web sites if they so desire.

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Unknown said...

We are anonymous
we do not forgive
we do not forget
we are legion
expect us

INconstantIN said...

Cristi, are you one of them?:))

Unknown said...

Yep, apropo, Grupa 1408, here, nu stiu de ce dar nu mai pot lasa commenturi decat cu contul google sau cu alte conturi, d-aia am lasat comment-ul asa :).

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to do with grupa 1408, sau sunt si ei din "the legion":D