Quebec to have its own country code - .qc?

A member of the Bloc Québécois wants the province to be independent not only of Canada, but, in the meantime, on the Internet as well.

Daniel Turp, an MP for Mercier, wants Quebec to have its own country code - .qc - on Web addresses, instead of being attached to Canada as in

An online petition he launched this week already has more than 3,000 signatures, one of his aides said. And they will persist even though Quebec is not recognized as a country by Internet naming authorities.[]

Mircea, qu'est-ce que t'en penseS?:D


Unknown said...
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~* ♥ Fallen Angel ♥ *~ said...

tu... penseS :D
sau nu?

Mircea-Gabriel said...

Nu am auzit înca de chestia asta. Dar initiative de genul asta exista zilnic. Voiau delegatie la ONU si am impresia ca au avut-o ! Oricum Canada este o tara mare si prost administrata. Ar trebui descentralizata , probabil dupa modelul UE.

Aici de 1 iulie , ziua Canadei oamenii profita sa se mute (e ziua mutatului). Iar de ziua reginei, aici se sarbatoreste "La Fête des Patriotes" (o rebeliune din anii 1838 împotriva guvernului britanic) .

Anonymous said...

Rien de neuf :) Au avut (si cred c-or sa mai aiba) referendum, au vrut sa separe si echipa de hockey, vor tara lor... si la ultima votare a iesit pe muchie: 51% NU. Am trait ani de zile in Montreal si pe de-o parte ii inteleg, insa m-am mutat fiindca eu emigrasem in Canada, nu in Quebec :)