Get 5000 $ with the Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship 2008

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The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) is a strategic fellowship program designed to help graduate students in the humanities and social sciences formulate doctoral dissertation proposals that are intellectually pointed, amenable to completion in a reasonable time frame, and competitive in fellowship competitions.

Funding for the program is provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Graduate students in the early phase of their research, generally 2nd and 3rd years, apply to one of five research fields led by the two directors. Graduate student fellows participate in two workshops, one in the late spring that helps prepare them to undertake pre-dissertation research on their topics; and one in the early fall, designed to help them synthesize their summer research and to draft proposals for dissertation funding. DPDF Fellows are eligible to apply for up to $5000 from the SSRC to support pre-dissertation research during the summer.

Application Deadline: February 8th, 2008

Applications for and information about the DPDF program, including criteria and eligibility for prospective fellows and research directors, are available through the DPDF web-site

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