Golden rule on blogrolling and cleaning up my Blog. Eminem’s got nothing to do with it

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Those of you listed under “loyal visitors of INconstantIN’s Blog” have certainly noticed the appearance and step-by-step disappearance of different widgets and tools designed for bloggers.

Had it been for BumpZee, FuelMyBlog, or, they all are gone now. There are a lot of debates on the utility of these socializing tools. A summary of them would sound like this: use them at the beginning, get rid of them after that.

All of those three tools mentioned above along with many more you can find all over the Internet, will certainly bring you a given amount of visitors for your new-started Blog. If you are lucky, and if you’ve got some interesting posts on your Blog, you might get some permanent readers from out there. Yet, if your blog is not an English-based one, or if you don’t have an English version of it, your chances to recruit permanent visitors on those blogging communities are improbable. Take a look at the major bloggers, do they have any of these on their blogs? No!

However, I will keep up the MyBlogLog and Blogcatalog widgets as they seem to be the leading ones in the bloggers socializing domain. For a while, I guess, or maybe more.

I am not sure yet if I should keep Feddjit on my Blog. Well, some say it looks great, some say it’s not OK to reveal the ways people come on your Blog, cause the enemies get your secrets:).

Apart from the cleaning up, I am establishing the first golden rule on INconstantIN’s Blog. Shit, that’s why I like the idea of blogging, I can do whatever I like on my Blog. Yeah!!! So the rule concerns my blogroll. From now on, as I plan to pass over to a stand-alone domain, I am to be more concerned about my Google page rank, which is now “below zero”, as you can easily see due to my AdSense ban. So, I will pay much more attention to the incoming and outgoing links on this Blog. So, all the blogs listed in my blogroll will be watched carefully! Watch out!:) If you are not posting more than 3 weeks on your blog, you will be taken out from my blogroll, without any possibility of gaining back you place. Let us behave as winners, my friend, shall we?

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