Japanese companies plan to cut off the Internet connection of anyone who illegally downloads files

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Japanese companies plan to cut off the Internet connection of anyone who illegally downloads files in one of the world's toughest measures against online piracy. Faced with mounting complaints from the music, movie and video-game industries, four associations representing Japan's Internet service providers have agreed to take drastic action

Japan mdro.blogspot.com

French President Nicolas Sarkozy late last year outlined similar measures to disconnect Internet users who flagrantly violated copyright laws. But for the most part, illegal downloading is being addressed through litigation against individuals.

The music industry won a first-of-a-kind victory in a US court in October when a single mother in Minnesota was ordered to pay more than 220,000 dollars for sharing 24 songs online.

The best-known Japanese file-sharing software is called Winny, which allows users to swap games, movies and music online. It was developed by Isamu Kaneko, a young research assistant at the prestigious University of Tokyo who has become an Internet icon. Japanese companies plan to cut off the Internet connection of anyone who illegally downloads filesBut in 2006 he was fined 1.5 million yen (15,000 dollars), although he was spared jail.

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Anonymous said...

Draga Prietene,

Poate ca ti-ai inceput calatoria prin meditatie…..sau prin explorarea traditiilor religioase orientale…. Sau prin investigarea tratamentelor homeopatice….sau poate ca pur si simplu ai hotarat sa reevaluezi ce ti se pare important.

Atunci cand incerci sa gasesti un echilibru in viata ta, poti sa iti alegi singur calea. Nu exista o cale absolut corecta prin care sa-ti cultivi intraga fiinta : spiritul, gandirea si corpul.

Si, precum probabil stii, in prezent exista mai multe resurse la dispozitie pentru un stil de viata echilibrat, complet decat ai gasit vreodata in trecut. Dar cum anume le poti controla ? Cum poti separa sarlataniile si remediile de scurta durata de cele reale, cu rezultate pe termen lung ?

La Body Mind Spirit Festival vei gasi acele solutii pe care le cauti pentru a-ti lumina calea: aboneaza-te chiar astazi la newsletterul Festivalului si vei primi ultimele noutati, in mod gratuit !

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INconstantIN said...

This is acceptable spam:)! I'll let it be:D!